Welcome to the world of Kahu and Kiwa.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

on the move..........

My boys!!!

Kiwa has discovered climbing-i find him in all sorts of places as you can see. He is very pleased with himself & his achievements but has had some nasty falls.
Boys & their toys.......

hi all! Been busy packing and organising for the big move this Saturday...it's been a mission, i've lost count of how many times i've packed a box only to come back two minutes later to find that Kahu and Kiwa have UN packed it and spread its contents throughout the house. Packing/moving house and children just aren't a good mix. I made them playdough the other morning to play with while i tried to pack, they played with it for about 20 mins maybe before they got bored....so a real success that was. No good old boxes are way more interesting. And of course the fact that Brendon is the hoarder of all hoarders doesn't help matters....bags of old receipts really come in handy if you decide to dispute the bill from that dinner out back in September 85 but apart from that i can't see a use for them. At all.
I am very much the opposite, i can't stand clutter, it drives me mad. Brendon and I have had a few terse discussions this week to say the least........
Anyway we're nearly there, and still excited but will be good to have the moving part over and done with. Our new email address is lisa.brendon@xtra.co.nz- i think that will take effect early next week and our ph number is changing too-will keep you posted on that one.
Hope everyone is well and staying away from all those nasty winter bugs going round. Kiwa and I both have bad coughs but other than that we're all good, touch wood.

Arohanui, lisa


Blogger alex said...

boys are lookin good! tayla was a climber too, just be glad he isnt a wallpaper ripper!! thats nasty. good luck with the moving tomorrow, moving is such a hassle but you'll feel better for it when you move into your nice new house (which we wanna see some pics of by the way) ok gotta go, give my big bro a punch for me would ya, alex

10:02 AM


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