Kia ora everyone!!! Well i have finally got my act together and joined the world of bloggers and i can't think of a better day on which to start than Kiwa's first birthday!!!! What more could a boy want for his first birthday...... Ooooh look Kiwa- it's a blog!!!!!
For those of you who haven't had the pleasure of being in Kiwa's company, let me take the time to tell you a little more about him. His first name is derived from Te Moana-nui-a-Kiwa, which means the great ocean of Kiwa. Kiwa is one of our ancestors who is famed as a great ocean explorer and navigator. Joshua is after his Uncle Josh in London, whom i hear is a real character and top bloke. Other than that, Kiwa is a real charmer. He is happy, chilled-out and loves a laugh. Of course if you'd been around him this week you would think i were an absolute liar, as he has been sick with bronchiolitis and there has been nothing happy or chilled-out about any of it. Ask his Granny!! First Kahu got a cough/cold and then of course Kiwa caught it and ended up spending a night in hospital, i've just had it and Brendon is just starting to get a sniffle...my poor baby, NOT!!!! it hasn't stopped him going out on an all-expenses paid fully catered deluxe fishing charter today.
I'm off to make Kiwa's bday cake with his great-grandmother, my Nanna Molly Fisher. We are making a train, not just any train either.....don't worry there will be photos!! It has been a real team effort, my Aunty Mary-Jane, a cake decorating whizz herself made the butter cream icing....thanks MJ!!! Man i love having the whanau around.....it's awesome.
Kahu is struggling to get his two year old head around the fact that it's Kiwa's bday and not his, don't ya love two year olds......
I'm still getting the hang of how to use this blog so bear with me....! can't quite work out how to place captions underneath the photos, but the photos above are recent ones of Kiwa, the one on the left was taken today and No he's not wearing lipgloss, he's been eating pebbles.
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