Welcome to the world of Kahu and Kiwa.

Monday, April 24, 2006

I'm pleased to report that the cake was a great success-phew! It was a real mission and took Nanna and i five hours but it was well worth it, the kids got a real buzz out of it and when everyone had gone home after the party Kahu took great delight in hacking at it with a knife, pulling it all apart then reassembling it over and over again. He told me he was fixing the train bcos the train was broken and was taking it all very seriously, he's into rescuing, saving and fixing things at the moment.....i wonder where he gets that from????? Oh well at least we'll know who to turn to next time the car breaks down....
One of his favourite things to do is to get his toy cat and put it up in a tree, then he gets his firetruck and goes and rescues the cat! It's really quite cute.
Anyway i won't bore you with anymore of that stuff.
Kiwa wasn't overly impressed with the cake as you can see in the photo! Well you can't please everyone all of the time........
We are looking forward to a fun week ahead with my Dad here till next Sunday. The boys love their Koro and he them of course. He is very much the doting grandfather in every way, and of course I am so not complaining about having an extra pair of hands around for a week.
I think mini golf is on the cards for Koro and Kahu this morning, and then the big boys (Matt, Brendon, Dad and cousin Tiki) are golfing this afternoon.
Ah yes life is good....as for me, only ten hours to go until Desperate Housewives, man i love Mondays.
did i really just say that? Still time to delete...ah what the heck i'm totally hooked and not ashamed to say it!

Still can't figure out how to put captions underneath photos but i'm sure these ones are pretty self-explanatory anyhow. Nanna making the cake, Kahu destroying the cake, before/after, kids, party, presents......etc etc


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