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Monday, May 22, 2006

Sleep when they sleep...................

People told me time and time again when I was pregnant with Kahu 'just sleep when he sleeps' and 'don't worry about the housework, just put your feet up and read a book when he goes down'. A handy piece of advice, shame i never took it. They never told me that when I was pregnant with Kiwa....probably knew I'd never get the chance.
To get to the point, Kahu fell asleep at 5pm tonight watching TV while i was cooking dinner. My initial reaction was 'damn he's gonna miss dinner', but it wasn't long before those thoughts were replaced by oh well, i could do with an evening minus the dramas of having to co-erce, coax and bribe him into eating dinner, having a bath or shower and of course going to bed and then I even started telling myself well, he must just need the sleep. So I just picked him up off the couch and tucked him into bed, he didn't flinch....even changed his nappy and he didn't budge. I didn't push my luck by trying to brush his teeth.
I got Kiwa down which went pretty smoothly and was feeling pretty satisfied with things, which meant I had a free evening to watch TV............well who's a lucky girl then???
The downside of all this is that i find myself sitting here at nearly 11pm and all i can think is 'damn i should have gone to bed at 8.30, i'm gonna pay for this tomorrow'.......and the even bigger downside is that there's a fairly good chance that Kahu will wake at 3 or 4am expecting someone to get up and make his breakfast. If that happens i'll try the kind but firm approach 'it's not morning time yet, you need to go back to sleep'. Knowing my eldest son, i've got pretty much zilch chance of that working so at that point, i'll probably roll over and say to Brendon 'well you might as well get up to him, i mean you have to get up for work soon anyway'!!!! Hmmmm i don't like my chances.....
For all you people out there who have newborns or baby/babies with colic or triplets for that matter you're probably wondering what i'm whingeing about and maybe even thinking how lucky I am that if I stop ranting and go to bed I will get a good 4-5 hours sleep. But it just doesn't work that way i'm afraid as Kiwa is still waking for a feed in the night...........ah sleep, glorious, beautiful, lovely sleep. I miss you sleep. I've had bugger all sleep for the last two and a half years and i'm tired, really tired. Maybe i should have taken their advice to 'sleep when they sleep'???!!


Blogger alex said...

you need to teach him how to turn the tv on for himself, and tayla can reach the fruit bowl so she'll have a banana and an orange and wait for me to get up!! perfect huh. she doesnt even come into my room and wake me up

9:38 AM


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