I only have Rayna stay once a month because of the travel but she fits straight in as if she had never been away...her brothers love her and she them, it makes me very happy.

We went to Rotorua and did the lion park thing, fed the fishes, hot pools, dinner out, motel! Awesome. For those of you who haven't been in Aotearoa for awhile - this is a very beautiful country...

Kiwa climbing a tree. The feet to the right are up against the lion enclosure. It was feeding time and they were pacing up and down the cage ready to eat, there was only a standard garden variety wire fence between them and us -you could put your fingers through if you wished.....All the lions LOVED the little children and babies - gave them a good sniffing.
The holidays over now, work, routine and packing will keep us busy till 16 of June when we move to our new house...then I suppose it will be gardening and renovations to keep us going! Can't wait.
... big brother, you are mad, what the hells the deal with the telly-tubby thing??
4:44 PM
hmm going to be like that are we... haha
3:22 PM
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