Welcome to the world of Kahu and Kiwa.

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Jed, Job, Jeepers Creepers


An update at last, especially for you Trevor & Maggie. It's been awhile, so bear with me. Not exactly sure where to start, i guess the dog is as good a place as any. We got a puppy three or so weeks ago, an adorable black labrador and we've named him Jed. When i say adorable, i mean really really really adorable, just look at the photo for goodness sake. The kids are pretty wrapped with him of course, part of the reason we decided to get a dog was to help Kiwa overcome his quite apparent fear of animals. I've made that sound a whole lot more dramatic than it really is, basically he's just a kid that had never been around animals so was very weary, he would actually start screaming if we came across a cat or dog at friends places or out and about. So we thought what better way to overcome that fear than for him to have a pet doggy of his very own. So far so good, apart from trying to pull Jed's tail and lie on top of him, ride him and all the rest, (hope the SPCA isn't reading this). Kahu's really good with him, it's been interesting watching him with Jed..seeing how he handles himself and talks to him. Jed is very fond of him and the first week or so we had him, everynight when Kahu went to bed Jed would go and lie at the foot of his bed and go off to sleep too. Needless to say, Kahu was pretty chuffed.

I'd be in serious trouble if i didn't mention the kennel, or rather dog palace. In typical Brendon fashion it was a massive project requiring him to work for hours at night after work to finish it in time for Jed's arrival. However, the end result is nothing short of perfection.

In other news, on Monday i return to the workforce!!! Well the paid workforce that is, got a job as a part-time Administrator/Project Assistant. Wish me luck, i'm not sure how it's all going to pan out, but i'm very excited. A few days ago i met with my employer to discuss hours and go over the contract before i start, it was fine but i had to laugh because i felt like such an impostor. All around me were business people having long business lunches and what seemed to be important discussions...and there i was little old me with blue and green dye on my hands from doing tye-dying at Playcentre with the kids that morning, only an hour ago in my trackies and jandals. There they all sat with their lap-tops and briefcases, and there was i with my little flax kete with Kahu's Teenage mutant ninja turtle figurine poking out the top. There i sat pretending i was one of them and trying to take it all in my stride. My boss told me that one of the first things i would need to do would be to get quotes for some equipment we needed to take 'on the road'. Call me naive but I was quite surprised as i wasn't expecting to have to travel, and thought maybe i was in for a trip to Rotorua....when she told me that in the next month i would be attending meetings in Hamilton, Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch.

The very next day i went out and bought my very own 'business satchel', apparently they are no longer called brief cases- just like lap-tops are no longer lap-tops, they are notebooks. LEARNING CURVE.

I will try not to leave it so long this time, i know the track record isn't good and that was before the job and the dog. We'll see how we go.......