Welcome to the world of Kahu and Kiwa.

Friday, January 05, 2007


Kahu out for a sail

Kiwa after a few too many at the office xmas party.......

Hi everyone! Merry Christmas, Happy New Years to all! We have had a very busy and festive time of late which began in early December when we celebrated Brendon's 40th which was a great success....for those that were sensible and didn't drink the punch! I'll stop there as this event is deserving of a post all of its own.

We had a great Christmas. We spent the morning with my Dad and brother opening presents here and then had friends over for brunch. By then we were all really tired and could have gone for a nap but didn't-we went to my Aunty Mary-Jane's for lunch which was a huge family affair with lots of food, kids and cousins. Later in the afternoon we went to my Dad's side of the family at Maungatapu for more food, kids and cousins.......by then i was feeling pretty full and tired so i left Brendon and the guys to it and took Kahu and Kiwa home for a play with all their new gadgets and a much needed sleep. Brendon and I really enjoyed this Christmas with Kahu, it being his first real one where he was really aware of what was going on and could join in the excitement of it all. He was so cute putting food out for Santa and the reindeer. Kiwa was pretty overwhelmed with it all....he had this 'what the hell is going on' expression on his face for most of the day which we all found really amusing of course.

New Years was a blast. My friend Abbey who has two girls exactly the same age as Kahu and Kiwa, just days apart, offered to have the boys overnight on New Years Eve. Of course we said yes without even batting an eyelid and started to plan our big night out. We ended up going for a divine seafood meal and cocktails at the Blue Biyou restarant. Cheers Trev and Breda!!!!! and then a short stroll down to the legendary Pap Tav or Papamoa Tavern, where we met up with family and friends, danced on the stage and drank ourselves silly. It was heaps of fun, and i didn't even have a hangover the next day which i was pleased with as we had to pick up the kids at 9am who were by the way little angels for Abbey. Slept even better than they do at home, always the way.

For the big countdown Brendon and I ended up losing each other......i went to the bar and he went off to the dancefloor to show off some more of his moves......we were supposed to meet back at the table ( i know it's all sounding a bit teenagey!!!) but didn't. So for the countdown he ended up New Years kissing some random girl on the dancefloor who was of course a beautiful hot babe....and i ended up at the table with people from Playcentre who didn't even recognise me with my hair out and glasses off. They said i looked like i had been on Extreme Makeover. Great. No need to ask what my NY's resolutions are......

On an up note, we've had some brilliant days at the beach, been sailing, to the summer carnival, kayaking, snorkeling, out to the movies, had some good catch up time with family and friends and it's been awesome. Summer rocks.
I hope everyone has been having a good one, arohanui. Nga mihi o te tau hou ki a koutou.xx
Too cute in his xmas tie and shortie pj's!!!


Blogger Unknown said...

Find. Time. To. Update. Okay.

8:36 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Novelty worn off? Seriously, it may be time to update, those kids are gorgeous!

7:44 PM


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